
代表プロフィール 田中美帆
幼少期からの重度の体調不良に悩んでいたが、26歳で半断食合宿に参加したことで改善。生活全体を自然派に切り替え、長年の不調は全て解消された。 ナチュラルライフの様子をブログで紹介すると、月間100万アクセスを超える大人気サイトに成長。 ブログが契機となり起業し、ナチュラル専門の通販サイト「ハッピーナチュラル」をオープン。 2男2女の育児をしながら、20年以上自然派生活を送る。自身の経験を活かし、5年間で100種類以上の自然派商品を開発。 プロデュースする商品は多くのファンに愛されている。
Be Healthier and Happier.
Our mission is to contribute to our customers’ HAPPY NATURAL life.
Having experienced four home births and childrearing, I learned the importance of natural foods and a chemical-free lifestyle. Through this experience, I realized what we eat affects our physical and emotional well-being. Eating naturally is essential for our health. However, I believe that being happy is the most important thing in our life. Therefore, I named my brand “Happy Natural,” not “Natural Happy.”
Miho suffered health issues from childhood until her mid-twenties when she discovered the benefits of an organic diet and a natural lifestyle. She continued pursuing living healthy and naturally. During this period, she blogged her journey, attracting over a million views monthly and started an online shop called "Happy Natural". Her experience using, reviewing, and selling natural products enabled her to become a leading expert in the field of natural life. In the last five years, Miho has dedicated herself to developing over 100 natural products to improve the lives of others. Her products have benefited numerous customers.