

ロゴに込めた想い About Brand Logo

四つ葉のクローバーを持つ青い鳥 (マウンテンブルーバード)は、幸せを人と地球にもたらす担い手です。 クローバーの葉の形はハートで構成されています。 これらは、 愛、 心、安心、 人とのつながりなどを表します。

Our brand logo symbolizes a blue bird (mountain bluebird) with a four-leaf cloverー which brings happiness to people and earth. The clover is composed of hearts.
Each leaf represents love, heart, peace, and connection with others.

ハッピーナチュラル 5つの約束 The five promises of HAPPY NATURAL


There are five sectors our company strives to bring happiness through our operations.
We wish all of our manufacturers, customers, employees, children and the Earth to be HAPPY!

つくるひと Manufactures


Our employees create our products with love and care, using the best ingredients available for high quality products. Each of our products is a work of love and dedication to our customers.

つかうひと Customers


There are fewer and fewer high-quality products nowadays. Therefore, our mission is to only promote products that we are certain will bring you happiness.

つなぐひと Employees


Our goal is to contribute to our employees happiness by developing long-lasting relationships as they interact with our excellent products. We also strive to provide fair wages to our workers while delivering great products at fair prices to our customers.

こどもたち Children


We hope to help children grow emotionally and physically healthy by increasing their happiness at home while preserving the environment for future generations. This is why we focus on creating and selling Earth-friendly products.

地球 The Earth


We use sustainable ingredients in our Earth-friendly products to protect our environment. We hope to contribute to attaining a sustainable and Earth-friendly society.

私たちのこだわり Our Commitment

生産の現場を大切に To Care for Our Sources of Production

どんな方がどんな想いで作っているのかを、ハッピーナチュラルは大切にしています。 生産者の方々と繋がり、商品の素晴らしさや想いをお客様にお伝えします。

At Happy Natural, we care about our workers and producers, their aspirations, and how our products are made. We closely communicate with producers to share the story behind our products with our customers. We both create our original products based on our extensive exper

みんながよりHAPPYに Be Happier


Our mission is to promote products that will make our customers, manufacturers, employees, children, and the Earth HAPPY. We hope to bring happiness to all five groups through our operations.

本当におすすめできるものだけを To Only Sell High Standard Products


We only produce and promote products that are aligned with our high-quality standards and company beliefs. Our products are based on over 20 years of experience consuming and researching them.

良質な情報を発信します To Provide Excellent Information


We email a weekly newsletter that presents product information, recommended recipes, and tips for living a richer and happier life. Our official blog and website also provide health articles. Our goal is not only to present products but also to share useful information for your daily life.